Sunday, January 31, 2010

Seth is indispensable!

If you grown up metaphorically with Seth as I have and read his books and blog, this book explains something. It explains why today, like me, you've probably become a Linchpin and are indispensable at work. I didn't plan on it, it's just happened - like Seth says "There's no map." But over the years Seth's consistent gifts of thought have washed over me and in my effort to be remarkable I have changed and continue to change for the better.

I have a special needs kid and could find lots of reasons to just take it easy. Yet, after I read or watch Seth even for a brief moment, I'm inspired to be more than I am. I'd recommend this book BUT I think it would be a better read after you've read (or listened on occasion as I have) to ALL - YES ALL - his other books first! I mean it!

Don't believe me? Borrow "Purple Cow" from the library as I initially did. You'll see your life split in two. BS and AS... (Before Seth & After Seth)

Thanks Seth!!!

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