Saturday, January 17, 2009

Killer doc about honest athletes...

Watched Murderball on Thursday night and loved it. I went to university with a few guys in wheelchairs so I certainly empathize with the fellows.
I love sports too but the film wasn't really about the sport. It was about men dealing with adversity and a raw deal and with dignity. Despite the marketing visuals being edgy, these guys seemed harmless - off the court of course.
The games were shot and edited really well by directors Henry Alex Rubin and Dana Adam Shapiro. The overall film had a good look. What is really is amazing is the candid discussion from the videos participants.
Joe Soares was specifically gracious in his involvement. Without him I don't believe the video would have been near as powerful. He was a an older man in a young man's sport but maintained his passion.
If you want to feel a twinge of empathy, watch the Special Features - Premiere screening I believe. At one time the camera holds on Joe and the isolation screams out at you. Very poetic...
See this 2005 documentary. It's players with suck you in and take you into a world you won't forget.

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